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If you’re founding a startup, getting your small business off the ground, or working as a freelancer, you’re going to need office space. Unless you came into a large chunk of change, you’re probably not ready to rent a posh office in a major city. If you need to economize but you also need to […]
Speaking about contracts has been something I’ve avoided doing for a while, which is odd given that this is a website about the business side of the creative industry. It’s kinda an important subject isn’t it? A reader called Sarah got in touch with me about this recently asking; “One thing I have been thinking […]
Professionals in the creative industries, by and large, like a challenge. We see something that inspires us and we want to play with it, test it out, break it and remake it again. We like new things. It’s not uncommon for people in our line of work to learn a whole host of skills (full […]
This is an article I originally wrote back in 2012, but I recently had a Design Range subscriber contact me asking for some advice that I think this article covers brilliantly, so I’m sharing it here again in the hope some of you who missed it the first time might find it useful – Alex. […]
One of the most immediate decisions facing newly graduated designers is whether to work freelance or whether to apply to an agency – a problem that a lot will wrestle with throughout their career. Each time you jump from job to job, the niggling knowledge of working for yourself can eat away at your desire […]
To the vast majority of people out there degrees are a huge expense and with 2012 having one of the highest rates of unemployment in graduates ever, they’re really not any kind of guarantee of finding work. For graphic design this is especially true as the United States Department for Education has dictated that the […]
Ok first of all I’d like to point out that this is not a ‘how to get started in illustration‘ from scratch article. If you’re reading this I’m assuming that you have some level of competancy with a pencil and pad. If not, then you should go away, start copying any drawing you find until […]