An article you need to read right now!
Not everyone enjoys confrontation. I certainly don’t. Even if you’re fine with confrontation you ideally don’t want to confront your client about the number of revisions they’re making or the additional work they’re adding to the scope of the project. Excessive revisions and scope creep can sometimes cause a little friction. Revisions If you’re working […]
This is an article I originally posted way back in October of 2012, but it has consistently been one of the most popular articles on the Design Range, and is probably the most viewed thing I’ve ever written. The plan was to take a look through it and make some updates, but the fact is, […]
We’ve all had that client email haven’t we? The one that comes a couple of days after we send off our estimate for a contract. After chatting away about concept ideas and what exciting directions we could take? It usually reads a little something like this; “Hey Awesome Designer Dude – thanks so much for […]
As I’m sure many of you do, I harbour a love for computer games – particularly RPGs – that moment when you level up and watch the golden sparks fly is addictive. Perhaps I’m revealing too much of the geek in me, but seeing those numbers next to my various skills tick up is just… moreish. Often […]
One of the most immediate decisions facing newly graduated designers is whether to work freelance or whether to apply to an agency – a problem that a lot will wrestle with throughout their career. Each time you jump from job to job, the niggling knowledge of working for yourself can eat away at your desire […]
Small graphic design companies, consisting of one designer or a few people working together, face significant goals and challenges. They can respond to clients in a very personal manner, executing work individually tailored to each client’s needs, but in order to flourish they need the skills and experience to meet certain basic challenges. You have […]
To the vast majority of people out there degrees are a huge expense and with 2012 having one of the highest rates of unemployment in graduates ever, they’re really not any kind of guarantee of finding work. For graphic design this is especially true as the United States Department for Education has dictated that the […]