Full of tips and ideas for how you can find Graphic Design work. How to make other forms of income and where to sell your work directly.
Reaching other business owners requires the ability to put yourself in their shoes. You likely already understand some of the general pain points of running a business. After all, you are an entrepreneur. However, many business-to-business models fail with their websites. Digital has a massive influence on your target audience. Google reported that even in […]
Running a successful content marketing campaign that will get you l-o-a-d-s of traffic can get very challenging — especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. After all, you can’t just post your content expecting people to like them, flock to your ecommerce website, and act on your conversion goals. You’ll need to use the […]
Coronavirus has touched every business in the world in some way. High streets grow quiet as customers are warned to stay indoors and shop online. Businesses grind to a halt and staff are asked to stay away from the workplace or else risk spreading the virus. All of this has a knock on effect so […]
Brand recognition is one of the most significant challenges facing business owners. There is a continual clamour of noise in the marketing sphere. Not only are you competing against companies similar to yours, but you’re fighting for attention. The average person spends hours each day on their cell phone, interacts on social media and sees […]
If you’re not already using Instagram to promote your work, now is the best time to create a profile and start posting! With over 1 billion monthly active users, out of which 500+ million log in every day, Instagram is no longer just another social media platform. It’s a platform filled with possible customers who […]
It can be daunting to take a decision on whether to hire a freelancer or a website design agency when starting a website design or re-design project for your business. For most businesses and entrepreneurs, a website building project is a huge undertaking, demanding a momentous investment of both time and money. So, before you […]
If you are a graphic designer looking to enhance your online presence, portfolio, there are several ways of doing this. In the digital age, there is so much more scope for showing off your work with the added bonus of reaching a very wide audience of potential clients. Here we are going to look at […]
If you’re a designer, you probably already know how important a great t shirt template or mockup can be for your client – and for you. Being able to display the awesome design that you’ve created in an appealing way is crucial for them to be able to sell their products. But have you ever thought […]
Setting out on a career in graphic design can be difficult. You have taken the time to learn your craft, but now you need to convince people to pay you to create expressive designs for them. Social media can play a big part in getting your work seen by the right people while guiding you […]
This is an article I originally wrote back in 2012, but I recently had a Design Range subscriber contact me asking for some advice that I think this article covers brilliantly, so I’m sharing it here again in the hope some of you who missed it the first time might find it useful – Alex. […]
If a graphic designer makes an amazing logo in the woods and nobody is around to see it, does it attract new clients? There is a lot of talent amongst the Design Range community. When you follow the Design Range on Facebook or Twitter, I always try to take a bit of time out to […]
Finding a job in the design industry can be challenging depending on how prepared you are and how clear you are on what you want. Of course, the most important aspect is experience and most companies are not willing to risk hiring someone without it. Start by getting very familiar with your industry from the […]
I’ll level with you here guys – one of the things I don’t do too well in this game is social media. I’ll hold my hands up here, I know it’s important to a business but with the best intentions in the world, I keep finding myself letting it slide. However, out of all the […]
In this article I’m going to talk about how to look like a professional graphic designer, and how dressing correctly can help you land more work… No doubt straight from the off, this article is going to piss a lot of people off. I say that because there is a consensus out there that it […]
You may think of it as the boring younger brother to Facebook and Twitter, but you should never underestimate the power of LinkedIn. It’s a large database of over 175 million business professionals. Although that’s a pretty impressive achievement for starters. If you use it correctly, LinkedIn is probably the most effective social network for […]
With this new age of the Internet, social media is becoming more and more a part of our day-to-day lives. In addition to its casual aspects, social media can be a very important tool to help grow your business. Getting plugged in to social media is especially important for all of the creative types out […]
One of the most immediate decisions facing newly graduated designers is whether to work freelance or whether to apply to an agency – a problem that a lot will wrestle with throughout their career. Each time you jump from job to job, the niggling knowledge of working for yourself can eat away at your desire […]
Freelancers know how challenging it can be to get paid work and clients in this economy. In order to stand out from the sea of people looking for work, you have to use all available platforms that allow you to showcase your skills and work. Other than creating a website, graphic designers have a number […]
Are you a graphic designer or other creative professional interested in marketing yourself on YouTube? Congratulations! You have picked an ideal venue to kick-start your creative juices and present your work in a dynamic environment that is sure to match you with the right clients. Here are some ideas to help you design a YouTube […]
Every now and then designers get the opportunity to pitch for a major contract. Often a business will have an idea for a project in mind along with a budget and ask several designers or design firms to come up with pitches for the contract. A lot of designers tend not to go down this […]
A lot of people think of freelancing as an escape from the usual confines of the traditional 9 – 5 job and while this might be true, there’s absolutely no doubt that being a freelancer is hard work. Sure, it might offer a lot of freedom; you can work when/how you like and you can […]
To the vast majority of people out there degrees are a huge expense and with 2012 having one of the highest rates of unemployment in graduates ever, they’re really not any kind of guarantee of finding work. For graphic design this is especially true as the United States Department for Education has dictated that the […]
My fiancee and I went for a stroll around Sydney’s busy shopping district yesterday and stopped to listen to these guys busking in the street: We stood there for half an hour, bopping to the music and watched at least 30 people put $10 into their guitar case and pick up a CD. My fiancee […]
Promoting your design business can be tough at the best of times. Personally I really hate approaching people and telling them about Hunting Town and the services I offer. It feels like cold calling, like I’m bothering them, like I’m pretty much saying “HEY! YEAH YOU! STOP THAT – STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND COME […]
As fun as they can be, no business goes to a trade show just to hang out. It’s an investment – and you want to see a return on that investment. Your goal is to increase your business by connecting with people, getting new ideas, and making leads. This is especially true if you’re going […]
When you get to work in the morning, whether it be in a nice office somewhere, that little coffee shop down the street or simply in your spare room, what’s the very first thing you do? Grab a coffee? Yeah, me too, but after that what do you do? I know one of the first […]
Ok first of all I’d like to point out that this is not a ‘how to get started in illustration‘ from scratch article. If you’re reading this I’m assuming that you have some level of competancy with a pencil and pad. If not, then you should go away, start copying any drawing you find until […]
It’s no secret that times are tough. The recession has hit everyone hard and everyone is looking to save money where they can. For business to business industries like graphic design this can be a real problem as design is considered by many (rather unwisely) not to be an essential component of business and is often one […]
Ok, first of all I apologise, as this article title may have been a little misleading. You see I’m not talking about the kind of procrastination where you stare into space for an hour wondering how does the Iron Man suit fire it’s repulsor rays without any buttons to press? (-click to tweet this) Nor am I talking about the kind […]