The basic skills needed when first getting your Graphic Design career started
There are times when you must create a graphic that will be used in many different places and mediums. When an image is used for multiple purposes, you must consider each instance of the graphic and how it will look larger, smaller, and even on different backgrounds and devices. You also need to think about […]
Logos are often what people base their opinions about different brands on. This is because the companies use their logos everywhere- websites, blogs, promotional products, billboards, digital ads, etc. So, if your logo is unoriginal, dull, or unattractive, then you may end up sending the wrong message to your target audience. Every branding professional worth […]
The digital world has changed marketing significantly. Alongside this change, digital marketing has begun to require the use of more complicated methods to ensure success. Long gone are the days where banner ads and pop-ups pulled in high amounts of lead generation and conversions on landing pages. The average consumer is much smarter at navigating […]
You might think that your co-workers or your projects or your meeting schedule determines your mood at work. While those are all contributing factors, there’s something else at play, too: colour. The colours and colour combinations in your work space, and in your home, have an underlying power to energise, to promote creativity, to encourage […]
A reader of the Design Range called Jules Richards got in touch with me recently with a really straight up simple question that I (and I’m sure a lot of you) can related to. “I am creative but not commercial, I am good at production but not business… How can I survive?” How can I […]
This is an article I originally posted way back in October of 2012, but it has consistently been one of the most popular articles on the Design Range, and is probably the most viewed thing I’ve ever written. The plan was to take a look through it and make some updates, but the fact is, […]
Speaking about contracts has been something I’ve avoided doing for a while, which is odd given that this is a website about the business side of the creative industry. It’s kinda an important subject isn’t it? A reader called Sarah got in touch with me about this recently asking; “One thing I have been thinking […]
One of the most immediate decisions facing newly graduated designers is whether to work freelance or whether to apply to an agency – a problem that a lot will wrestle with throughout their career. Each time you jump from job to job, the niggling knowledge of working for yourself can eat away at your desire […]
As a web developer/designer it’s important to work with as little overheads as possible, especially if you are a freelancer. Saving money on software and tools is a great place to start since the internet is full of useful tools and resources for just about anything! There’s only one problem: many online tools only offer […]
A professionally designed and developed website can really help a business stand out from the crowd, so as a web designer you need to know which methods are the best to follow and which ones are best avoided. For that purpose, a web designer should keep themselves equipped with the latest standards in web design. […]
Nowadays, people are probably not as riled up as they were when Facebook first introduced the Timeline model. For a while, a number of users refused to shift from the old format voluntarily because they found Timeline very disorienting, with its two columns and how it has to be processed in a zigzag manner to […]
In order to attract more customers, your clients must promote their products and services. There are a number of marketing tools to attract new customers, but unless they’re used effectively, they won’t fulfil your business goals. If your clients have a restricted budget for marketing, then you could recommend using brochures to promote their products […]
Thinking back to when my family bought their very first PC I always remember the salesman blowing my dad away with the fact that this machine had over 40GB of space on the hard drive and that we would “never be able to fill it”. Today, my phone has 64GB and I’m still having to […]
The ‘portfolio meeting’ is become a rare occurrence in the lives of today’s designer, with more and more clients finding you through your online portfolio it’s more often the case now that by the time you’re having your initial meeting with a client they’re already well versed in your back catalouge. However there are still cases where a client […]
Ok first of all I’d like to point out that this is not a ‘how to get started in illustration‘ from scratch article. If you’re reading this I’m assuming that you have some level of competancy with a pencil and pad. If not, then you should go away, start copying any drawing you find until […]
When it comes to the most important tools a graphic designer has at their disposal, a good portfolio is pretty high on the list. It’s an absolute must have for anyone wanting to get ahead in this industry and quite frankly there really isn’t any excuse for not having one. As I’ve said before, you […]
But of course the art of it lays in the fact that ‘anyone’ didn’t did they? We did. That’s why we’re Graphic Designers. Designing a logo is the dark art of the Graphic Designer, they can take months of work, have the potential to cost a fortune and in the end, the product is often […]