With this new age of the Internet, social media is becoming more and more a part of our day-to-day lives. In addition to its casual aspects, social media can be a very important tool to help grow your business. Getting plugged in to social media is especially important for all of the creative types out there—photographers in particular have been known to do well in this new social media craze. Read on for to learn more about photography business tips for social media sites..
Starting a blog for your business can be a great way to showcase your talent. Consistent quality posts can act as a sort of unofficial portfolio for potential customers. A blog can be a fun and laid back means of promoting your business, without the pressure of outright advertisements. A blog can help bridge a connection to your prospective clients and gives them a unique personal view into your business. It’s a great way to get your foot in the door and really get noticed.
Plus, your foray into social media can also create a gateway for communication with your followers, both customers and potential customers. Someone who reads your blog can post a comment; you can answer—and same goes for your Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Instagram pages. Social media makes you accessible in a casual and informal way; lots of people these days prefer shooting out Facebook messages or texts than an actual phone call—and forget leaving a voicemail; it’s a lost art.
It can also be a great way to connect with other businesses or professionals. Especially on sites like Tumblr or Pinterest, where a good deal of the interaction consists of “reblogging” or “repinning” content—you may find peers with similar goals, and it can be in the best interest of both of you to give each other a shout out or boost by a “retweet,” “share,” or what-have-you.
When all is said and done, social media is an easy, fun (and perhaps most importantly) free way to promote your business and work. Social media can be a great way to boost your SEO (search engine optimization), which means you’ll have a higher priority on search engines like Google.
Plus, you never know what will get you noticed. Some photographers have grown their whole careers out of viral images—and you can do the same with your business. There are even whole websites (most notably BuzzFeed, Gawker, and UpWorthy) that exist solely to create and promote viral content. These days, you never know what can happen once you start promoting your business (or yourself) on the Internet—the New York Times even published a photo from Instagram on their front page.
When all is said and done, social media is a great tool and asset for your business. It’s fun, free, user-friendly and has proven to be very effective. What do you have to lose? Whether it’s making a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, a blog, or a Pinterest account, social media sure to help boost traffic for your photo business.
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